
​This release is a minor release including primarily resolved issues.


There are no prerequisites for this release.

Please check previous release notes if you are not upgrading from the latest version.

This release can be installed in the following environment:

  • Office 365 tenant and Azure
  • SharePoint Server 2013
  • SharePoint Server 2016
  • SharePoint Server 2019

NOTE: As the SharePoint’s modern experiences platform and development framework is too far behind SharePoint Online, the Wizdom on SharePoint’s modern experiences capabilities are currently not supported on SharePoint Server 2019.

Resolved issues


Wizdom for SharePoint’s modern experiences



  • ​Share link function now fixed. It had a problem with links not working if user had been clicking on other news before.
  • Some users were not able to see their own news post on the news post list.​

Corporate N​ews

  • Web part is not loading term sets immediately, they will be loaded only on demand.
  • If the title is long enough to trigger truncation the timeline web part crashes in IE 11.

Power P​​​anel (modern)

​The content of the panel was sometimes not loading.

Wizdom for SharePoint’s classic experiences


Azure AD Integration

  • ​Getting members of groups with ten thousands of members could result in high CPU usage. The algorithm has been optimized and reduced significantly the CPU and memory load.

Azure Redis​​ Cache integration

  • ​The product can now be configured to use different TLS versions of the Redis Cache. The default is 1.0, but you can configure different one by setting up a new application setting “RedisCacheTlsProtocol” and specifying 1.1 or 1.2 as value​.