
This release contains new features, changes and improvements, and bug fixes. ​ If an entry here is a result of a bug report or feature request, the relevant ID number (xxxx-yyyy) will be at the end of the entry.



There are no prerequisites for this release.
Please check previous release notes if you are not upgrading from the latest version.
This release can be installed in the following environment:

  • Office 365 tenant and Azure
  • SharePoint Server 2013
  • SharePoint Server 2016
  • SharePoint Server 2019

Note: As the Modern SharePoint Experience platform and development framework is too far behind SharePoint Online, the Wizdom on Modern SharePoint Experiences capabilities are currently not supported on SharePoint Server 2019.

New fea​tures



  • Content placeholders in Noticeboard, Workspaces, Corporate News, and Policies & Procedures. If there is no content in this web part, or if the content is loading, a placeholder is displayed, explaining the situation. This is so that users and content creators don’t see empty web parts.
  • Ability to filter policy pages based on a result source in the Policy Index web part. To filter according to your custom query, insert the result source GUID in the web part field Result Source.


A​cross Wizdo​​m architecture:


  • ​Com​pliance reports now run in ‘User’ context instead of ‘Searchuser’ context. This means that admins can only see reports that are relevant to their own permission level.  (2019-1170)


Ch​anges and improvements



  • Web parts are now hosted from the Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN). This results in faster JS loading speeds.
  • In Noticeboard, you can no longer expand the text creation field to full-screen mode. (2019-1238)
  • There is no longer an upper limit for Days to keep in Noticeboard RSS feed. (2019-1852)
  • The Choose Channels web part has been redesigned and optimized with new selection flows and performance improvements, including:
    • Ch​anges now require you to click Save to be configured and take effect. This gives higher performance.
    • ​There’s a new Selected channels section in the top with overview of your currently selected channels. Can be expanded and collapsed.
    • New search function for channels. Requires pressing return on your keyboard or Search in the UI.
    • Hoovering over channels now displays their breadcrumb in a tooltip.
    • The t​ree structure now has lines displaying parent/child relationships.
  • Creating news items in Noticeboard now has tab-based navigation for a more intuitive workflow. Instead of scrolling down a window of options that can change according to selections, users are now provided with the relevant choices in the next step.
  • Image uploading has been optimized. When a user uploads an image while creating a new item, Wizdom creates 5 uniquely identifiable images with the widths 300, 480, 750, 1024, and 1600 pixels. Wizdom also saves a version with the original size. When displaying Noticeboard items, the front-end selects the optimal width for the web part. If not using the original size, the front-end provides a URL with a ‘_width-extention’ indicator, for example _300.png.
  • You can now change custom CSS and JS on a per site collection or URL.
  • Workspace creation now supports a prefix to the site URL and Office 365 group name. Must be configured for each workspace type. All SharePoint user profile properties can be used as tokens.
  • When creating workspaces, any character in URLs that is not 0-9 or a-z will be replaced with the underscore character. For example, ”my ürl” becomes “my__rl”. (2019-1742)


Resol​​ved​ issues


Modern: ​​

  • Time zone conversion now works properly in Corporate News, when you use SharePoint search. (2019-1999)
  • In online versions of the FAQs module, drag’n’drop now works when you have four or more items, on the Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers. (2019-1835)
  • You can now correctly have 2 or more Interactive Canvas web parts on one page. One or more web parts no longer disappear when you refresh your browser. (2019-2043)
  • When you add an audience to a section of the Mega Menu, an icon is now correctly displayed. (2019-1681)
  • The SharePoint Hub navigation is no longer visible on document libraries if the Wizdom Mega Menu is enabled. (2019-1661)
  • When you click Edit in Noticeboard, the cursor now appears in the correct text field. (2019-0720)
  • Selecting Channels to subscribe to no longer causes screen freezes. (2019-1654)
  • The error message “Startindex cannot be less than zero” was removed, as it was redundant. (2019-1680)
  • On small screens, the date picker popup for creating new Noticeboard posts is no longer cut off at the bottom of the screen. (2019-1754)
  • Design & Branding now works when you go back and forth in your browser. (2019-1219)
  • When creating a new post, it’s no longer possible to pick an end date that’s before the start date. (2019-2026)
  • Quicklinks now respect custom target attributes. If you’ve configured a quicklink to open in a new window, it now does. (2019-1555)
  • In the Power Panel, drag’n’drop now works correctly. (2019-1411)
  • The Page Information web part now displays the contact information of the Page Contact instead of the page author. (2019-2069)
  • If you have 2 or more pages on your Noticeboard, the Noticeboard no longer freezers or blanks out when you reach the last news item on the last page or mark all news on the last page as read. (2019-1978)
  • If a web part is configured to not allow personal links, the Edit link no longer appears to end-users. (2019-1813)
  • Empty categories are no longer displayed in QuickLinks outside of edit mode.
  • Custom templates now work for the Mega Menu.
  • Power Panel now correctly closes on navigation.
  • The Profile Completion web part now works in Internet Explorer 11.
  • In Workspaces, selecting taxonomy metadata under Displayed Columns no longer causes visual misalignment. (2019-2068)
  • The Governance web part no longer causes issues when being loaded in the Power Panel in MS Teams.
  • The Corporate News carousel web part now works on Internet Explorer 11.



  • The black Likes box in Corporate News now displays downwards instead of upwards. This means that the box shouldn’t be hidden by overlaying elements or the browser header when there’s a high number of likes. (2019-1798)
  • When you use another language than the default, texts and URLs are now correctly displayed in that language. (2019-1565) (2019-2064) (2019-1804) (2019-1825)
  • When a comment is created on a Noticeboard item, a notification is now correctly sent to the author. (2019-1438)
  • Replace Page Contact now correctly shows results on OnPrem solutions. (2019-1203)
  • The Revision timerjob no longer fails if a user has been deleted from the Active Directory. (2019-1789)
  • URLs are no longer hard-coded in page layouts. (2019-1961)


​Across Wizdom architecture:

  • ​Changes to Mega Menu configuration URLs are now saved correctly.
  • In Noticeboard Insights, the Most Active Channels report now displays the correct number. (2019-2143)
  • Link sharing from Noticeboard now respects user permissions.
  • Reduced amount of synchronization calls to SharePoint to avoid being throttled. This means that commenting on Noticeboard items does not cause duplicates in SharePoint. (2019-0830)
    • ​​NOTE: If you already have duplicates in SharePoint because of this issue, contact Wizdom Support.