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Configuring Accelerate


In succession, you have the to install Wizdom (Admin tab -> Installation page ) successfully.


Pre-Accelerate checking

When you go to Accelerate page you can see as the screenshot above. Initially Accelerate shows some information or warning based on checking some criteria.

  • Accelerate shows the current site collection url on which it will be applied.
  • Accelerate shows the warning banner ‘ Warning: Loading … ‘ until the translation is fully loaded.
  • Accelerate shows the warning banner ‘Warning: Checking page status …’ Indicating to accelerate is checking the status of front page (default.aspx). After checking the warning banner may be hidden or the following warning message ma be shown:
    • The  Default.aspx page does not exist in this site collection.  It will be created and set as a welcome page during provisioning.  ​
    • Default.aspx page is checked out by someone. It may fail to provision frontpage.
    • Default.aspx page is not set as welcome page. It will be set as welcome page during provisioning
  • Accelerate shows the banner ‘ Site templates are loading. Please wait … ‘Until all site templates are loaded.

Accelerate configuration

After checking the above criteria Accelerate shows the following customizable form to accelerate​
The form has many options those can be selected or deselected and there is another option to add more subsites and add some sample or dummy contents to provision.

Global configuration

1. Update Noticeboard Content Type

It enables social feature such as Social Functionality (comments and likes) and overview comments.

2. Apply Mega Menu Settings

It enables mega menu in Wizdom installed site collections.

3. Apply Service Menu Settings

It enables V2(Version 2) service menu in wizdom installed site collections with V2 templates.

4. Apply Theme

It enables style theme ‘Accelerate'(id= 8bc7af48-957d-4c6a-9fc0-543935c5c7b5) in wizdom installed site collections.

Frontpage Provision

Accelerate provisions some webparts in site’s frontpage(default.aspx) such as Corporate news, Noticeboard, Phonebook, Pages must I read etc. with hiding left panel, page contact and other sections.​

Noticeboard Archive

Accelerate provisions a subsite of type wizdom site template ​

And with some sample contents(post) if you select ‘Add sample content’ option.